I coach
These are people like
Together we will
The conditioning that is dictating how you lead and leaving you behind.
Your inherent nature that has you come alive.
The wholeness of your being that incorporates what is most true for you.
Access to your intelligence, voice, compassion, power, and presence.
you will be liberated
You’ll leverage what you discover to step into a leadership capacity that has previously felt impossible. Your leadership presence will honor the wholeness of your lived experience and crystalize the impact you most want to create in the world.
My goal is to see the uniqueness of your experience while validating what it feels like to be on the outside of what is “normal.” Each person’s experience is different, yet all of my clients have experienced what it feels like when their own sense of identity doesn’t fit with what’s reflected back from the people around them. Oftentimes they feel like they don’t belong. Many times they are explicitly or implicitly told they are not welcome. Or they need to be different to stay.
Our work requires
Establishing a deep, felt sense of your inherent value
An expanded view of how to show up to create the impact you most desire
Bridging what’s worked historically to new contexts with confidence
Developing resources to be with and reshape the discomfort inherent in your experience