Something needs to change, but not everything
Things need to change. The world needs more of you, not less. This is the backbone of everything we teach about leadership.
The nuance is that we’ll never prescribe what needs to change. We’ll give you ideas for consideration. The women you meet in our programs will inspire you to expand your current thinking.
But any choice is yours to make. No one else's.
You’re always choosing something. Even when you default to others, that’s a choice. So what differentiates the type of choice we desire to instill in you?
It is active. It is conscious.
That means you’ve decided on that choice. You are in the driver's seat. You are not a passenger riding along on the road of a choiceless life.
Gain freedom through active choices
Our flagship program is a container to look at the messages you’ve received about what it means to be a woman.
Say that at some point in your life, you learned you shouldn’t ruffle any feathers. That a woman’s place is to be polite. To go along to get along. To not stir the pot.
These may have been explicitly told to you. Or you drew the conclusion based on how the people in your life responded to you.
We’re NOT suggesting that you make a sweeping change to start stirring ALL THE POTS just in spite of all that messaging. That would be reacting rather than consciously choosing.
We are suggesting that you get curious first. That you consider how that messaging has influenced the actions you do or do not take.
Some of you may feel comfortable deferring to others. You do what others ask of you. And you don’t complain or suggest otherwise. You may not even care.
Others of you may be resisting that messaging in some way. You may be a pot stirrer when you feel called. You may find yourself disagreeing with others or offering alternatives.
In either case, your behavior is linked to the messages you’ve received. In most cases, that link is unconscious.
When you surface that link, making it conscious, you become an active chooser.
This is the difference between reacting to something and responding to it. Responding requires conscious choice. This can look like noticing you have a different perspective or opinion AND choosing not to share it. Even when you don’t share it, you enable that to be a CHOICE instead of a default reaction.
Conscious choices give you freedom to deviate from your default — or to choose to stay the course. You can prioritize the choices you make.
Some choices will feel easy and clear. They will release you from tension. Other choices — like leaving a job — will feel big and hard, leaving a mess to clean up.
The most important thing to remember is that you are the chooser, shaping your own experience.
Call for reflection
Take an inventory of your life at this moment. Where do you find yourself behaving in ways that don’t feel great to you? Or getting in the way of what you want? Mine for the messages you’re following. Choose what needs updating.
Shine On,